We offer support to all caregivers support a Gateshead resident. Take a look at the support we can provide.
To access and learn more about these support services, please contact us or register as a caregiver.

Information, Advice and Guidance
Need to talk? We’re here to listen to you, share advice and let you know what opportunities are available locally and nationally.

Assessments for Caregivers
We carry out Carer’s Assessments and Parent Carer Needs Assessments on behalf of the local authority. These Assessments can help caregivers access additional support, in accordance with your caregivers rights.

Benefits Advice
Navigating the benefits system can be difficult. We can offer caregivers benefits advice and application support on select benefits, including Personal Independence Payments (PIP) and Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

Wellbeing Fund
Caregivers can access our Wellbeing Fund to help ease the pressures of caring as part of our support services.

We are currently in the process of developing a volunteering service, providing people with opportunities to learn new skills, make new connections and take on a fulfilling roles.

Skills and Training Workshops
Learn new skills and get involved in local training workshops.

Caregiver Groups
From cuppas and coffee mornings to condition-specific chats, we offer unpaid caregivers opportunities to connect with others and feel supported in their caring role.