How many caregivers are there in Gateshead?
In Gateshead, there are approximately 18,800 unpaid caregivers; that means 1 in 10 Gateshead residents are providing unpaid care. This number is likely to be much larger as it takes us, on average, 2 years for us to identify as an unpaid caregiver. This can be because we often think we are doing what anyone else would do in our shoes; as if it is our duty to our loved ones.
What does a caregiver do?
By definition, “caregivers are people who provide unpaid care to a friend, family member or neighbour, who, due to illness, disability, frailty, a mental health condition or an addiction, cannot cope without support.”
Who can be a caregiver?
We can all take on a caring role at any point in our lives. People from all backgrounds, ages and countries are caregivers.