We have compiled a list of some frequently asked questions around volunteering with us. If there are any more questions you may have, please contact our volunteer co-ordinator, Paul, for more information.
What will I do as a volunteer with Caregivers Connected Gateshead?
We have lots of different roles you can do as a volunteer including:
- Befriending and mentoring
- Helping at events and with activity sessions
- Helping in the office
- Being a Digital Ambassador
How old do I need to be to become a volunteer?
For most roles we off you need to be over 16 years old. You will need to be over 18 years old if you are volunteering with a person one-to-one.
Can I get support to volunteer?
Yes. We want to support everyone to volunteer with us where possible. Please get in touch so we can talk about which of our roles might suit your skills and experience and any extra support that you may need.
I don’t have much time – can I still volunteer?
Yes. It really depends on which role you choose. Some of our roles suit people who only have an hour or two to give while others require a bigger commitment of time. We can look at roles that match your availability.
Will volunteering affect my benefits?
No. We will pay agreed out-of-pocket costs that you may have while volunteering.
If you have to spend money for travel we can give you the money back.
How do I apply to be a volunteer?
To start the process, you need to:
Contact us by telephone on 07889 088284 for an informal chat.
Visit the volunteering page on our website to register your interest. https://caregiversconnectedgateshead.co.uk/volunteer/
Will I have to do an interview?
Usually, we will invite you for a short chat about the volunteer role. Not all volunteer roles need an interview. Even if we do require an interview, it will be very informal. The interview is about making sure that you are right for the role and getting to know you a little better. You don’t have to worry about lots of hard questions or tests.
Will I need to give references?
Some roles will need references and some won’t. We will let you know if references are needed and we will give you plenty of time to get them.
What is a DBS check?
A DBS check is a Disclosure and Barring Service check. It looks at whether you have a criminal record.
Will I need a DBS check?
It is not needed for all of our volunteer roles but many will need one. If you need a DBS we can help you with it and it won’t cost you anything.
I have a criminal record can I still volunteer?
Yes. But if you want to volunteer in a role which needs a DBS check, you will need to tell us when you apply. We will make a case by case decision about whether or not you can volunteer in this role.
If I apply will I definitely become a volunteer?
We will look at your skills and experience to make sure you are a good match for the volunteer role. If we feel it is not the right role for you, we will try to suggest another role. There are times when we cannot a suitable role for you with us but we will advise you about other local organisations which could be a better fit.
What training will I get as a volunteer?
You will have an induction session and provide training which is suitable to help you carry out your new role. We will also look to offer you access to training that could benefit your personal and professional development and support you on your volunteering journey.
What support will I get?
You will be supported by the Volunteer Co-ordinator who you can go to for help, support and guidance. You will have regular contact over email, telephone and will be able to attend regular drop in sessions and a monthly supervision meeting either in person or over the phone.
Can I get a reference when I finish volunteering?
Yes. You may ask for a reference or certificate of achievement upon leaving, or sooner if you need one for a job or college application. We would need you to volunteer for at least 12 times with us before we could provide you with a reference.